Congrats on 50k subscribers Kai!
I'm really happy to have played Tertrio with you! I really like your singing too! sorry it looks really bad it was very rushed, but i hope you like it!

2 15

It's been a blast joining you on this adventure to 50k subs and I'll be happily supporting you as you grow even bigger!! You're genuinely so incredible Kai-kun and we thank you so much for all the joy you bring in our lives!

Nya-rigathankyou ww!!

4 21

カイくん~ 今日の配信はとっても楽しかったです(Crab gameも)!私 タイスライムですから 日本語とか 英語とか にがてです;;でも カイくんのためにきっと もっと練習です!!これからも よろしくお願いしまーす><


3 36

Congrats 50K My King Kaikun! ❄ You deserve it! We're here for you and support you! next, road to 1M isn't out of reach. Thanks for makes me happy, becoming Vtuber and Kaikun. Take care (ノ≧∀≦)ノ ‥…━━━★

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