“That’s why you never have support from others. Only by respecting others, will they respect you. The same works for love. You must learn to share your love in exchange for their esteem.”

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“The Blue Whisper / 与君初相识·恰似故人归” Fanart


C-Drama: /
Cast: &

3 7

"Whoever crosses this cliff will die tonight." - Ji Yunhe

I miss my strong and powerful demon master. 🥺


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🎬 The Blue Whisper 与君初相识·恰似故人归

Ren Jialun as Chang Yi in cdrama “The Blue Whisper”.

C-Drama: /
Cast: &

2 8

This world owes Changyi, so God gave him Ji Yunhe, this world owes Ji Yunhe, so God let her meet Changyi.
The injustice and regret given to them by the world will eventually be resolved with their mutual company

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Chang Yi, “The Blue Whisper / 与君初相识·恰似故人归” Cdrama Fanart


C-Drama: /
Cast: &

2 9

ファンタジードラマ《#馭鮫記 之

ディリラバ (#迪麗熱巴)#夢幻の桃花 
レン・ジアルン (#任嘉倫)#麗王別姫 



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