Albert Nomad CV : KENN
Alex Pepsilia CV : Shimono Hiro
Devot Von Landfalke CV : Suwabe Junichi
Uriel Goethe CV : Sugiyama Noriaki
Vergil F Tartarus CV : Hirakawa Daisuke
Adrian Aselva Hubrigy CV : Kakihara Tetsuya

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Chinese: The Throne of Girl (#少女的王座)
For: iOS, Android


Shimono Hiro
Suwabe Junichi
Sugiyama Noriaki
Hirakawa Daisuke
Kakihara Tetsuya

more info

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Last but not least, 叶瑄 Emerald by HiraDai stated, just feel that it would be better if his voice is not that's hope that all will be better than I thought~
(I'll cry for Emerald)

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Albert Nomad CV.#KENN
ALex Pepsilia CV.Shimono Hiro
Devot Von Landfalke CV.Suwabe Junichi
Uriel Goethe CV.Sugiyama Noriaki
Vergil F Tartarus CV.Hirakawa Daisuke
Adrian Aselva Hubrigy CV.Kakihara Tetsuya

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动画「机动战士高达 THUNDERBOLT」CAST,STAFF发表!新画面公开!CV:中村悠一,木村良平,行成とあ,大原沙耶香,平川大辅,咲野俊介,佐佐木睦,土田大,原作:太田垣康男,监督·脚本:松尾衡(革命机),人设:高谷浩利,

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