It's always been just him and me
So I bet all I have on that
Furrowed brow
And at least in this lifetime
We're sticking together

11 50

*old art repost


7 55

my cousin is using my laptop so I can't do commissions today ajsjdkl so I doodled something at my tablet phone

6 61

Spoilers for the Squid game's ending: !!!

Sang woo and Gi hun freacher indulgence.

23 100

(old art repost)

2 years ago on today, september 5th, is the first time I draw freacher fanart aaaa


8 72

(old art repost)

sometimes I can't believe I ship them for 2+ years


14 59

(人によっては🗺️🔦 弁泥)


10 61



6 68

I don't need another friend
When most of them
I can barely keep up with them
Perfectly able to hold my own hand
But I still can't kiss my own neck

18 67