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wanted to post a few of my personal favorite shots from the komahina eine kleine pv... tabby really took the hatching to a whole new level, i'm still in awe 😭💘
(full vid: https://t.co/XWsTdy1qb6)

4 9

Here's the piece I drew for the Hope Zine! Be sure to download it for more art!
He's eating some steamy dumplings made by Teruteru. c:
Also Happy Birthday Nagito!
(i know i'm 2 days late, but let me share this plz)

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Late as always but happy birthday to my beautiful boy Nagito❤
He deserves everything and much more 🎉💕

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i'm late but... happy bday nagito <3 i love you with my whole heart

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I’m late 😅

Happy Birthday Nagito Komaeda! Keep being the crazy bitch you are ❤️

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1 8

"something, something...hope." a lil late to the party, but happy birthday to our favorite stepping stone, nagito.

4 22

kinda late since its the 29th over here already but

3 19

it’s april 28 you know what that means

happy birthday to my two favorite people in the world: nagito and ! i hope your birthday was a good one ❤️

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