[ WIP ] My skill still okay~ just sketching for 3 weeks while "artblock" so my hand not rusty.... and I got many wip (=w=lll)

Also yeah fanart for still in process...

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Some of my art that really proud this year~

Thank you for follow me even though Im just potato artist

Thank you again and hope u guys stay tunes for new arts from me~ ( 0w< )7

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Finally I got it done before new year...
I know it late but here a present for you (=w= )
Hope u could do more ASMR next year~

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hace un tiempo le encargue esta hermosa imagen de tuturu-mama a , me olvide de publicarla , me encanta tuturu-mama su voz realmente me relaja

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little bit update of fanart and yes Im slow artist (=w= )

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山田テュテュル ちゃんがサメさんのぬいぐるみを抱いて寝てるの描いてみました

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を書いてくれてる種牛さんたちに聞きたいことがあるの〜(⃔ >ω<* )⃕↝✨
よろしくぅo(_ _*)o💕

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テュテュルのイラスト描いて貰えるのすっごく嬉しいなぁ(⃔ >ω<* )⃕↝💕
みんな可愛かったり、えちえちに描いてくれてありがと〜(੭ ›ω‹ )੭♡
いっぱい待ってるからねっ(๑⃙⃘• ֊ <๑⃙⃘)⌒★

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