"how am I gonna play with you?"

Eternal Wanderer Ludwig

high res artwork will be available on my Patreon:

24 64

My first artwork on iPad XD. It works pretty well#EpicSeven

79 409

it's been a while since my last rendered artwork because of Inktober. I hope you like it. the high resolution will be on my Patreon.

75 403

guess it's done. I wish they would have made him a little bit stronger...but well, it is what it is...

86 304

야근을 너무 많이하는 바람에 이제서야 올리는 해랑디 입니다.

121 487

so long since the last time I draw any male character =w=

79 399

회사 동료분의 리퀘스트였던 카논_내맘대로 물놀이 버전

85 392

I still have something I want to try, but that will be for the future artwork. this is me now and I should accept it.
I will make a S.Tene evolution of my art because I draw her so many times XD

136 749

Challenger Dominiel in a swimsuit

You wanted a summer skin, please take this one!

147 788

벨리안배 사이버포뮬러 랑디와 레이싱걸 플랑

141 496

불꽃놀이가 그리고 싶어서 작업해봤습니다!


46 140

第2屆「Epic Seven-第七史詩-」插畫比賽
取出 愛(守護).花.妖精.元素


2 8


38 105

Agradeço de coração por todo o apoio e pelos 400 seguidores! Muuuuito obrigada mesmo!!
Thank you for 400+ followers~~ 💖💖

Fluffy Lady Mercedes ~ Epic Seven

19 67