叶瑄 Emerald - 夜舞流铃 Flowing Chime of Night Dance
【This fan? Of course it's not a prop.】

15 31

罗夏 Rorschach - 盛焰灼情 Blazing Passion
【The Great Oni... is not that easy to be.】

8 18

【Dream Painting of Heian-kyo·Dream of Fantasy】- 2 Star
"The two bodies inside and outside the mirror, on which end of this world will the true body be?"

17 22

叶瑄 Emerald (SSR) - 祭舞形华 Splendor Form of Sacrificial Dance
【If we cannot meet when we're awake, we can search for one another within the dream.】
【Dancing within the flame, as if within the dream.】

18 39

罗夏 Rorschach (SSR) - 江山渡火 Shifting Fire Through Lakes and Mountains
【The wine brewed by the little human lady... sure is special.】
【Then, I shall let you see, how youkai truly looks like.】

11 23

路辰 Alkaid (SSR) - 心初天净 Innate Purity of Initial Heart
【The gift that I would like to give you... is one special night.】
【Those lights that have perished and temporarily dimmed, will lit again at certain time.】

12 29

艾因 Ayn (SSR) - 戏面云烟 Fleeting Masks
【I choose to accept those power, for the very reason of finding you.】
【—— Let her go!
—— Finally, you're now acting how you should be.】

16 34