& modern AU
As Dae setting HuiBing will be bartender
NuoMi is a university student come from country side, part time working😂the sparrow follow him from his hometown
Got permission from to draw his OC HuiBing modern AU :D

315 1280

🧧Chinese New Year day 2, lunch with BRO, cheers for bromance🤣🍻

512 1831

What will happen if he wake up? XP
belongs to Dae belongs to me

420 1682

NuoMi is short 🤣
借DAE的 Borrow Dae
Original Characters 原创人物

608 2316

My MDZS OC,I'm gonna name him Lan NuoMi(Glutinous rice)🤣from my name Mino change to NoMi
I'm the one who repair the barrel at Cloud Reccess
和太太们一起玩,在 里面的样子(?)名字叫蓝糯米(一时想不到名字)我在云深天天修木桶

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