Sometimes, I want to meet the person who designs Senran Kagura outfits to ask for advice.
And then sometimes, they release stuff like this.

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so with the recent katsuragi awakend in new link seems too similar to another katsu I know (Model from )

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something interesting for and that being a yoma inside yuyaki, yakasha the 2nd personality of yuyaki when holding a sword or blade.

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私は飛鳥と詠さん推しなので、それに沿っての投稿です´͈ ૢᐜ `͈ૢ
今回は戦国アスカの飛鳥と、カグラの飛鳥の『半蔵流 乱れ咲き』のワンシーン♪
あまりにも可愛かったので光の速さでゲットでした( ✧Д✧) カッ!

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