자꾸 유튜브가 오캬를 미친듯이 추천해주는데요
(복장 참고 : 까탈레나)

22 61

춤추는 작은 까탈레나

246 556

while working on a commission, I wanted to do this quick drawing of one of my favorite kpop concepts 💖it’s been 7 years and the stages outfits are still my favorite 🥺💗

17 43

1학년즈+고죠 까탈레나~

199 807


179 671

옐님이 이번가챠 까탈레나같으시댓는데ㅈㄴ찰떡이라ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 까탈레나소라임 이거그리면서초밥먹고싶어졋다...,,,

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