me coming alive to post something deeply embarrassing. passing around juiceboxes to the handful of mctna fans on here like a dad on a roadtrip except the juice is gay ppl. drink up #mctna#나의나라
me popping into the mc:tna tag every 3-4 months like a grandpa feeding ducks at a pond Hi. im in an art slump again and im going to draw these two locking lips until i feel better #mctna#나의나라
i’ve been keeping a list of every single show/movie i’ve watched this year, in the 67(ish) items on said list the major through line is just. swords. swordsmen abound. (from the top- zzs, himura kenshin and nam seon-ho 🤍🤍) #mctna#山河令#나의나라
what’s the point of singing songs, if they’ll never even hear you?
in which the last episode of mc:tna reduced me to a puddle. i should’ve known i was doomed when they pulled out the sun & moon metaphors. text is parts of sufjan stevens’ “my blue bucket of gold” #mctna#나의나라