||-Red pooled around Hwi’s mouth from where he’d bitten down, a vengeful spirit come to bleed him dry hovering over him.

what level of cringe is it to illustrate parts of your own fic?? srry but this visual hasn’t left my head since i first wrote it down

1 7

me coming alive to post something deeply embarrassing. passing around juiceboxes to the handful of mctna fans on here like a dad on a roadtrip except the juice is gay ppl. drink up

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me popping into the mc:tna tag every 3-4 months like a grandpa feeding ducks at a pond Hi. im in an art slump again and im going to draw these two locking lips until i feel better

4 20

i’ve been keeping a list of every single show/movie i’ve watched this year, in the 67(ish) items on said list the major through line is just. swords. swordsmen abound. (from the top- zzs, himura kenshin and nam seon-ho 🤍🤍)

3 20

what’s the point of singing songs, if they’ll never even hear you?
in which the last episode of mc:tna reduced me to a puddle. i should’ve known i was doomed when they pulled out the sun & moon metaphors. text is parts of sufjan stevens’ “my blue bucket of gold”

3 15

[ 드로잉 스터디 - 둥둥님의 최애 그리기 ]
떠려니 입니다..🙈
한복 희재 넘 좋아😍

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