유찬이 증사 만들어봤당 그래서 루나 언제 컴백하나요 ㅠㅠ

12 18

was such a fun watch!! The characters were so loveable I'm going to miss it haha 🌙🎵

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Please look at this!!!!

JRie is baby T-Rex

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6화-(1) 우(리)가온이 행복만 해💛

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let me be your knight episode 6 trailer - Lee Shin cut (with iqiyi eng subs)

shinjiyeon 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
shin’s “it’s good to see you” sounds like he might burst out crying anytime omg 😭😭😭😭😭

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2화 너무 재밌었다!! 너의 밤이 되어줄게 본방 기다리면서 2화 제일 좋았던 장면 🤭유찬이 살려주세요~👻!

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