클라헬 지도자들 아직 제대로 그린게없다만....
1>2기쌤 랸 2>1기쌤 한설 3>붙잡혀있는건 3기쌤
정도로 대강 디자인해둔건 있습니다

0 9

혹시 클라헬 분양 받고 싶으신 분들 계신가요? 설정 읽어보시고 트친분들 한정으로 키워드나 기억에 남는 기억/사진 주시면 반영해서 캐디해올게요(여유 날때마다 해볼게요!!!..)
디자인권을 원하신다면 드리지만 이경우엔 디자인권 회수가 까다로워서... 정말 하고싶으신 분들만 부탁드려요!!!🙏(타래 https://t.co/sJNnIWx3JH

0 7

지인분께 연교로 받은 밤라헬🧡💛
음기장인님께서 빚어주신 밤라헬은 과연 다르군요 yummy

53 156

라헬 프로필 완성.

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1 12

⭐️Rachel Week⭐️
Day 5 Secrets

"Up there, it's a world where only those who have been chosen can play. Sorry. I want to take you too. But... I just can't..."

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Day 5 - Secrets

The main secret of Rachel for me is her past, the past behind the walls of the tower. We don't really know what she went through.

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Day 4 - Free Day

the idea was different, but in the end it turned out some kind of Uno card, but I like it lol

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Day 3 - High School/College/University

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⭐️Rachel Week⭐️
Day 2 Drink/Food

"Heh! It seems that Sr. Khun has stopped crying"

In the middle of an argument, Khun showed weakness and Rachel attacked

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