I could made it better, but my app started lagging so hard at some point, so every changes tooks forever to make

9 40


Happy Birthday, !!🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Accept this humble male Rachel as an offering 🛐💝
Sorry for the delay 🥲

16 46

⭐️Rachel Week⭐️
Day 5 Secrets

"Up there, it's a world where only those who have been chosen can play. Sorry. I want to take you too. But... I just can't..."

57 175

⭐️Rachel Week⭐️
Day 2 Drink/Food

"Heh! It seems that Sr. Khun has stopped crying"

In the middle of an argument, Khun showed weakness and Rachel attacked

34 122

Thanks for the support so far!

18 69