휘니생일 지나기 전에 후다닥 그렸다~!
바람이 있기에 숨을 쉴 수 있어서 살아갈 수 있게 만들어주는 휜이 너무 생일 축하해요🥰

56 198

Happy Birthday to our Beloved Angel Jung Wheein~~ 🍃💞

(The one I drew today I'll just post it tomorrow 😅 Since I haven't finished it yet 👍😅)

38 78

yes it's wheein's birthday, but it's also the first anniversary of EASY!

242 402

요정이 탄생한지 24년째 되는날
우리요정 25살 축하해요💕

43 88

Happy birthday to our precious Wheepup! ❤️
I’m part of the , I’m really happy to see my fanart in this book. You guys really did a great job! ☺️

113 207

정휘인이 제일 최고야ㅜㅜ 놓지않을게💕

92 164