つい回してしまう純真な男子生成プロンプト"--no Hoodie, gas mask --s 1000"は決して私を裏切らない

14 155

純情そうな子を召喚する"--no hoodie, gas mask --s 1000"で登場した、温室の男子

13 155

こちら"Handsome 18yo blond prince in the castle --no Hoodie, gas mask --s 1000"で🌈くんが出してきた、全然インザキャッスルじゃない美しい奥行きレイアウト

6 50

この"--no hoodie, gas mask --s 1000"は不安定で、画面が分割されたりキャラ設定集みたいになることも多いけど、それも楽しい

48 431

純情な子が生成されるプロンプト"--no hoodie, gas mask --s 1000"で登場した会社員

19 218

"--no hoodie, gas mask --s 1000"をJapanese boyに使うとエモい(好き💗)

7 41

純情な子生成"--no hoodie, gas mask --s 1000"は、シーン設定でかなり効きが違うのよね
ebony boy on the beachだとこう(いつものビーチ絵とあまり違わない)

55 552

🌈で純情そうな子が欲しければ"--no hoodie, gas mask --s 1000"を足すが良い、ポジティブプロンプトは短ければ短いほど良い by 純情そうな子を推す神

2 19

Weapon design today.
Medjed Tech "Big Foot 1000" smart hunting rifle.
An inexpensive smart weapon from "Medjed Tech" and electronics manufacturer "Nehebkau".
The gun is based on the venerable Khnum 21c rifle.
It has a high popularity due to its price and excellent shooting feel.

262 2425

< 📷 ARW of The Day🖌>

今日のファンアートは "shadow_hand_000"様からです💪

次のファンアート内容募集中! 送り先: contact.com 件名: ARW of The Day みなさまのご応募、お待ちしております

0 6

"Handsome 18yo boy --no hoodie, gas mask --s 1000"

10 131

The combination brings the desirable result for me😊
Using only "no hoodie, gas mask" makes it rather old school and "s 1000", too girlish for me.

1 24

"Handsome 18yo boy --no hoodie, gas mask --s 1000"だと、ちょっとナイーブな感じの好みのイケメンがどかどか出てくるので楽しい

5 40

"Optical Retina 7000"

Inspired by Cyberpunk

2 15

Thinking that... Without prosperities maybe small world can save armed dragons

Just gotta find a wind monster that isnt a level 3,5,7

Has an Atk value that isn't "1200,2400,2800"

A Def value that isn't "900,1700,1000"

And is good enough to be ran at 2 or more to not brick...

9 274

11th march 2023 , Saturday, sometimes after 2 AM.

Login Day 920 .

Im having this feeling of "I won't get normal 5★ Shino even after Login Day 1000"

I'm highly accurate in predicting things like this about myself so lets see in 80 days...

0 1

I placed the following quote into midjourney

Isaac Asimov, "Futuredays: A Nineteenth Century Vision of the Year 2000" (1986)

It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without… https://t.co/C8auo0VpG8

0 1