370. KSP200439
371. Tsamxxx
372. kasettetape
373. kaiju_corgi

0 0

Ape# 7021
Sold for 3.2 $ETC ($99.49 USD)
Gas: 0.000141058 ETC ($0.00439 USD)
Total Holders: 1194 addresses

2 17

ID471【Loire 130M】★2夜間触接補正調査

画像のように、本装備をCommandant Teste改 Lv.174に搭載し、#1-3で夜間戦闘を行い、夜間触接補正を位置b0として逆算すると
7.0 ≦b0< 7.00439

また、触接率は11/11 = 100%であった。


14 39

⚡⚡ BAD APE just got sold for 0.02BNB ($10.66).

Link: https://t.co/yT11CH4JAJ

1 3

Posting this publicly for the first time (at least for Twitter), but here is the face of this account in her full glory!
Adopted from @/KSP200439

It should go without saying that if you use this without permission, I will find out.

11 62

2021-10-07 21:00:02.004397
Image Source: Pixiv
Artist: Juna
Image: Work has been deleted. https://t.co/pIyqXwuLMq

3 23

2021-05-18 19:00:02.004392
Image Source: Pixiv
Artist: さばのみずに
Image: https://t.co/4PDZC0vEmr

0 7

「スマートフォン」+「800439187」+ パイモンが可愛い。


0 0

◆イベピン ◆納品な

3 8