Funky Robot Specs: Ion: Iron; Posterior Head: Model Anterior Head: Model Optical Sensor: Type Audio Device: Build Antenna: Variant

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Funky Robot Specs: Ion: Magnesium; Posterior Head: Model Anterior Head: Model Optical Sensor: Type Audio Device: Build Antenna: Variant

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el año pasado me envicié con videos de jolette en la academia 2005; me acordé de esta joya de concierto 💀

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Funky Robot Specs: Ion: Iron; Posterior Head: Model Anterior Head: Model Optical Sensor: Type Audio Device: Build Antenna: Variant

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Funky Robot Specs: Ion: Iron; Posterior Head: Model Anterior Head: Model Optical Sensor: Type Audio Device: Build Antenna: Variant

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Funky Robot Specs: Ion: Chromium; Posterior Head: Model Anterior Head: Model Optical Sensor: Type Audio Device: Build Antenna: Variant

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Kari es un personaje que creé entre el 2004-2005; yo habré tenido unos 13 o 14 años, la verdad no recuerdo muy bien. Es un personaje que me ha seguido toda la vida y como yo, también ha cambiado considerablemente a lo largo de los años.

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Dragon Zakura (2005; 2021)

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Funky Robot Specs: Ion: Nickel; Posterior Head: Model Anterior Head: Model Optical Sensor: Type Audio Device: Build Antenna: Variant

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This is a couple years old by now, but I still absolutely love it!

Meet Ali Reinhard, my very first OC I made when I was in...6th grade? So 2005; 16 years old? Snowfleet came shortly after Ali.

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float t,x,y,r,N;void setup(){size(720,720);};void draw(){clear();t+=.005;for(y=0;y<780;y+=60)for(x=0;x<780;x+=60)for(r=0;r<TAU;r+=TAU/((x+y)/60%9+2))curve(x,y,x,y,x+cos(r+(N=noise(x,y,t)*9))*cos(t+N)*30,y+sin(r+N)*sin(t-N)*30,cos(r+x)*30*N+x,sin(r+x)*30*N+y);}

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Apparently there's a high school art vs. now event happening? I was in high school 2001-2005; these are circa 2004 vs. 2019-2020. Look, baby Guardian! (The first pages of what would become Lanterns of Arcadia were done in 2003)

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float x,y,n=random(30);
void setup(){size(900,900);stroke(#cda37a,60);noFill();blendMode(SUBTRACT);}
void draw(){strokeWeight(noise(n)*2+0.5);push();translate(450,450);rotate(noise(n+0.1)*2*PI);x=noise(n)*800;y=noise(3*n)*800;ellipse(0,0,x,y);pop();n+=0.005;}

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2005; Mexico City premiere for ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith’.

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Some throwbacks of Vinci! The first one is a Norman Rockwell spoof from 2005; the other is an expression sheet from about hrair years ago.

Mr. Coco these days is taking up residence on Valentine’s bed.

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october boys 1004; jumin 1005; law 1006

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Wayne Thiebaud, Triangle Beach, 2003-2005; Oil on canvas, 30 × 40 in (76.2 × 101.6 cm)

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