JJK! Gojo vs Toji kan kejadiannya 2006, terus Gojo baru nyariin Megumi pas 2007, berarti selama setahun nih bocil hidup berdua doang ga ada yang ngurusin??

17 352

2일페 R06,07에서
레이싱 리오 + 교복 아스나 아크릴 판매로 참가했습니다

많은 관심(구매) 부탁 드립니당ㅎㅎ

8 32

A faded photo, dated January 2006, seconds before Satoru chucks a snowball at Suguru's face.

99 641

12월 서코 A05,06,07,08 [유나이티드 농빵] 선입금 폼 입니다!
이번에는 일러북 말고도 아크릴스탠드나 장패드도 준비했고 다양한 작가님들과 함께 하게 되었습니다! 잘부탁드리겠습니다🙏🙏🙏
( ) https://t.co/IA9hIMegyg

66 260

SimplepositiveXLv1 1girl
Negative prompt: negativeXL_D sdxl-negprompt8-v1m unaestheticXL_AYv1
Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 1, Size: 1024x1024, Model hash: 0bf1ce6b06, Model: SSD-1B,

2 15

I made my 1st weapon yesterday, but it was way too high in polygon count (702 triangles, which is more than my character model)

Looking at the Silent Hill pistol model it only had 182 triangles, so I wanted to try and limit myself to 200
Got it to 206, so I'd say success ^-^

3 29

Hello ! I'm JJ106, I do concept ar and character illustration 🫧🫡

I draw me and my bestie's adventure here (pls take a look! :D) and draw silly funny men on my free time ;)

Open komis terus sampai kaya 🫵🏻(*>ࠔ✪)

Nice to meet you all! 🪼

2 13

Há 17 anos, em 5 de abril de 2006, estreava o anime de "NANA". Com 47 episódio produzidos pelo Estúdio MADHOUSE, as duas Nanas alcançaram um novo público com a adaptação!

~ Chihaya

8 41

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo DAO Zu Shi (Novel) Vol. 4 de R$108,90 por R$76,23

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo DAO Zu Shi (Novel) Vol. 3 de R$106,40 por R$74,48


0 1

0xD1ea7 sold 35 Kanpai Pandas for Ξ57.070 ($106,521.15)

0 1


🦌 Heeseung 40 CM Deer Doll

🔗: https://t.co/J7ZwUqM7CL

DP: April 22, 2023 PHP500/USD10
RemBal: May 06, 2023

💌 G.O. = DM

FAQs on the thread 🫶🏻

🏷 WTS LFB Hee Doll Enhypen
Pls help rt 🫶🏻

48 94

Aug 06, 2015. By: Latias2006
[6 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"Psycho Energie"

0 2

Minted SpiderAVAX from Avax Pengz collection on .

Pretty cool! Feels like a hold.....

Mint might be live still was .06, limit 1 per wallet.


1 4

Lois Lane (111 from 1971) was one of DC's attemps to be 'with it', along with the infamous I Am Curious: Black (Lois Lane 106, 1970). If the first dealt with race relations, this one was more about the sexual revolution.

12 81

Jul 06, 2015. By: alili9
[21 Yeahs!] [5 replies] (EU)
"Umbreon Chibi‹3"

0 2

Selain ngukuhin posisi Medeia sebagai Duchess, karena peran Dekis ngukuhin posisi Medeia itu berpengaruh sampai chapter 106, sisanya dia jarang muncul lagi sampai sekarang, kalau tiba-tiba balik gitu aja, kesannya dari 107-152 sengaja disimpan cuma buat ngasih kalung doang 😂

0 1