“Why did you punch them to death? It would not be so messy if you used your light .”
“l will.”
“Later when we come back, Firmament-6 will satirize you again.”
“Why should I care about that dumb warlock?”
“What if he tells Titan-1?”
“Then he's dead meat.”

38 218

“How’s it feel to be 21?” ……. This.💀

0 1

“What’s your hopes and expectations for your favorite series in 2021?”

Everyone: “I can’t wait for these upcoming arcs, fights and character moments!”

Me: “I just wanna see my boi Magna back.”

29 242

“What do you want in 2021?”


28969 73306

“You want another 1v1?”
day 7 ⚡️

29 307

Oh, hey, its “Red-Sonic Wait, but since he predates Knuckles (and wears similar shoes to Sonic himself) does that make him “Red-Sonic

4 11