# c2e2

Hey there! I've just released the official soundtrack for The Strata on Bandcamp, featuring music from Seasons 1-8, and it's free to download. So what are you waiting for? Head over to https://t.co/2l1mwJzIDY and check it out.

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• Robin (2021): Annual
• DC Pride 2022 ("Think of Me")
• Robin (2021):

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Today is an especially eventful birthday for me, for the simple fact that...
I am no longer a minor
I am... A major.
The big 1-8, feels good, I can't wait to start doing taxes!

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been conceptualizing how i want the demo to look visually so i think i'll ask here

from 1-8, what do you think looks the most consistent and cool?

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5. Zero (Megaman X 1-8, Zero 1-4)

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With a landslide vote of 21-8, Power Construct and by extension Zygarde-Complete finds itself gone from 1v1! What will 1v1 do now without this bringer of order?


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390-397) Zettai ni Tokimeite wa Ikenai! cuando leí el primer capítulo me llevé un poco las manos a la cabeza pensando que no me gustaría nada de nada pero, al final, me enganché cosa mala y confieso que me gusta mucho el desarrollo a pesar del punto de partida manido

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of 4 visual exegetical medallions based on the parable of the soils (Matt. 13:1-8, 18-23)
The seed that fell on the ‘good soil.’
Description at https://t.co/SAPbq8eli7

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139-146) Kuzu no Honkai leído en diagonal a partir de la mitad, vaya espanto de manga, no os acerquéis ni con un palo, mira que la premisa era interesante pero es que no se salva ni un personaje, n-i-u-n-o

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121-128) Mairimashita Senpai empieza muy meh pero para cuando me quise dar cuenta estaba devorando los capítulos. Es la primera vez en mucho tiempo que siento que los personajes se comportan como adolescentes de verdad 💖 Tengo que leer más obras de la Dessert 🙈

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À partir du 5 mai dans vos librairies à l'occasion du Printemps des comics pour 5€99...


Contenu :

🔘 Thor (2014) publiés en Marvel Now! dans Mighty Thor Tomes 1-2

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Page 9 of the Chicago S.T.A.R.S, the Official Comic, is here! Will the Chicago S.T.A.R.S. be able to save the kidnapped cosplayers and the day?!

To see the entire page, along with pages 1-8, check out https://t.co/y4Zwyi52JH.

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