1-Your oldest OC

Voici Vénus, dessinée en 2012 avec des stylos gel. C'était une lionne pirate et je ne sais toujours pas d’où m'est venue l'inspi pour elle ? Et vui c'est mon premier OC ever et j'étais déjà into les anthros fck.

0 6

Tagged by
1-your lock screen
2-your home screen
3- last song you listened to
4- 18th pic on your camera roll
5- tag 6

cuz I don't have many friends here and I don't want to spam all my clients x'D

0 3

Tagged by

1-your lock screen
2-your home screen
3-las song you listened to
4- 18th pic on your camera roll
5- tag 6

sorry for the tag 😂😂😂

0 18

Started finally! Following a very DnD-like prompt.

adventurer and their companion ~ Aiden is a smol tiefling who's always wanted to be a cowboy. ⁣His faithful companion is Leo, a fluffy ghost.

4 12