"The squeedger hive-queen groans and growls at you, and the air prickles with the burning flavor of acid. She's immobile... but not defenseless."

Milking the Squeedger, art by

🌐 https://t.co/9zzizqyma7

1 3

"You tell her that you're not serving the stew unless there's a vegetarian option. It's not right to force other people in the colony to eat meat if they're uncomfortable with the idea."

Negotiating like a Pro, art by

🌐 https://t.co/VdXxkKLeAn

2 12

Yo yo! I had done an art card for the game studio for their newest game “ I Was a Teenage Exocolonist!” It was an awesome experience working with them + the other artists and can't wait to play it! check out to follow the development! 👏🏽💖

14 26

"Everything looks the same here. The plants are too high to see any landmarks, and you swear some of them move around when you aren't looking."

Getting Lost in the Fog, art by

🌐 https://t.co/Xzev5NcNpR

5 9

"You spot a terrific sight: a fully-grown manticore has fallen into a nest of at least twenty snapbladders, and they're engaged in what looks like a battle to the death."

Helping an Animal, art by

🌐 https://t.co/BgBTKnaeEK

2 7

It's as big as a dog, half tentacles and half beady little eyes. Mushroom growths wriggle from its head. It's cute, in an alien sort of way, but looks can be deceiving on Vertumna.

Vriki III, art by

🌐 https://t.co/pk0PPakghc

5 16

Guess what? I did some art for the people over at for their newest game I Was a Teenage Exocolonist! I really enjoyed working with them and the other artists and can't wait to play it. If you to follow the development, please check out ! 💖

7 21

"And after Captain Eudicot saves her and brings her back to Geoponics," Tammy continues, "the little vacubot vows to never go exploring again, and lives happily ever after."

Telling a Gentle Tale, art by (Rachel Harvey)

🌐 https://t.co/0oskhAcPbD

4 9

"The last time I tried it," Cal says softly, "I just listened to the trippets singing for an hour. It was the most beautiful thing I've never heard."

Dizzy Weed, art by (Darcy Dee)

🌐 https://t.co/LZ6WVrX48v

5 17

"Oh, I've heard about you," Lum says, shaking his finger at you with a smile. "You were dropped on your head when you were a baby, right? You're a little..." he taps his head, "...touched?"

Delusions, art by (Donovan)

🌐 https://t.co/ZM3i4XB68B

3 9

"You can't help yourself. You want to know how it feels to crush those soft, shining petals in your hand; to snap the flower off its stem and grind the whole thing to dirt under your boot..."

Gut Feeling, art by (Kenby L.)

🌐 https://t.co/91vhUKUy34

1 6

You've reached a tenuous peace with your unisaur: you don't make her go anywhere she doesn't want to go, and she doesn't try to throw you so hard your bones time-travel into next week.

Unisaur III, art by

🌐 https://t.co/0OzsgUq3hT

1 8

"You call out to Nougat, encouraging her to stretch out her chubby leg until it reaches the next rung of the scaffolding."

Use Your Words, art by

🌐 https://t.co/QpcnvTcVoz

2 12

"The vriki flips over on its back and wiggles, its lighter stomach fur looking impossibly soft and enticing. Do you dare? Or is it... a trap?"

Vriki II, art by (Lindsay Peltz)

🌐 https://t.co/C4BLnwL36C

3 6

"Magnificent," Tangent says, "I expected them to be helpless at birth, like kittens or birds, not already moving around like an ungulate. Incredible. I can't wait to study it."

Hopeye III, art by

🌐 https://t.co/0B4ShPsGVR

3 12

"Amazing. This discovery will be of great help with our... other research."

art by

🌐 https://t.co/wg9KTdhQcu

3 14

"You tell of almost being eaten by a liar flower, describing in great detail its hundreds of terrible teeth and the stench of its gaping maw..."

Telling a Violent Tale, art by (Marina Rubio)

🌐 https://t.co/agDu5vIkKd

2 8

"You grind up a native rock as the soda part and use the juice from a native plant for the vinegar part. The resulting explosion splatters all over the judges."

Science Fair Champion, art by

🌐 https://t.co/nPHbxT3Nsh

2 29

"You pore over everything they've been working on, slowly putting together the pieces. What you find is... chilling."

art by

🌐 https://t.co/NR10fKPrpA

1 8

Cal drops a small ball into his shovel and tosses it to you. "Here, I made up a game to help us while we work. I call it shovelball, and everybody wins!"

Playing Shovelball with Cal, art by

🌐 https://t.co/69KCGeZgq7

3 8