Return to the Fright Zone [S5E10]: Beginning of the end brings big feels [A]
Failsafe [S5E11]: Martyr Adora strong emotional center [A]
Heart [S5E12 & 13]: As epic a series finale you could ask for [A+]

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The Coronation [S4E1]: Great look at the splendor and somberness of events [A]
The Valley of the Lost [S4E2]: Solid character driven quest in Crimson Waste [A-]
Flutterina [S4E3]: Even She-Ra needs rescuing sometimes [A-]

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In the Shadows of Mystacor [S1E7]: Shadow Weaver’s manipulation means business [A]
Princess Prom [S1E8]: Fun dance with emotional and dramatic end [A]
No Princess Left Behind [S1E9]: Storytelling hits huge new heights [A+]

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