
I know it can be made directly based on official bdaman, but I don't have enough ability🤣, so I just build one...

(I also found that the horn on the head are a bit different between the cover and content🧐)

7 28

Thanks! For screws: First.Create a triangle shape, duplicate, rotate and move up a bit. do it 4 times.
Second: Select the 4 shapes and build a 'loft'.
Step 3: apply some 'chambers/bevels' for final design.
I'm using 123DDesign, i assume you can do the same process in Fusion.

1 4

Should i say that is made with the 'old' 123DDesign software? 🙈 i tried Blender and Fusion but i feel comfortable with 123D....btw i miss some features so i will eventually jump into Fusion (or Blender)

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