Prompt: Doll

Make-up time~

A young Casca and Griffith getting "dolled up" and playing with cosmetics together ^ ^ There is a full headcanon to this, which I will put in the [ALT text] if you find yourself curious✨💋💄

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Day 2 - Thorns
I thought about her thorny heart and what it means for Casca and her own personal arc. It's a curse but also the representation of her trauma. Farnese and Schierke helped her but I think the rest is on Casca's hands to save herself.

20 126

day 5 - winter festivals

Here's Casca just spinning 360° around because why not.

43 259

Day 1 - Sword: Inspired by two aspects of Casca, her feminine side and her warrior side which are always at odds with each other.
Oops! A bit late but here is day 1, I would love to draw all the days but I am not as fast ^^u

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