Where my Chams at? Happy Sunday H Fam 🍀🚀 Lezz Go‼️

Few GEN-1 pieces available for Grabs.

Link: https://t.co/h8t04JPCwX

Token id to associate: 0.0.1308943


12 15

Im selling nfts:
N o more
F ucking
T itties :(((((((
this shit costs 2130894329303240$
so buy it

(i want someone to do the joke of the screenshot PLS)

1 8

*tosses myself full force at the bandwagon*

wow Dana how come your mom lets you have 39382413089432179421808 sonas 😳
this also fairs well as a size comparison for my sonas too I guess lol (my "main" sona is that green cat blob looking thing in there, that's the OG design lol) https://t.co/AjqBcfMthH

1 7