Recent Objkt acquisitions: 'Sandbox ' by JuxtaBlue, 'TESS-006 (The Enchanted Stork Society series)' by O.G. SPIRATOM, 'The Prophecy' by Stars and Biscuits + 'Dissimilar Dimension 107' by Edongski

4 13

Hoxe chegan as cores de Hayao Miyazaki e o universo ao ciclo 50anos/50filmes d
2 sesións ás 18/21 na Casa da Cultura
Maravillosos recados para coidar a fauna e a flora

9 21

Bunnie Rabbot from the Archie Comics

amalgamation of designs but heavly leaned towards issue 133's apperance, which is a bit of an odd choice I know but I thought it'd look cool in 3D

also made a few Alt renders

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