◾︎ 髪 ショートボブ ( 水色 )

◾︎ 目 ( 水色 & ピンク )

◾︎ 可愛い顔立ち

◾︎ 華やかな服装

◾︎ 両目の下にホクロ 長いまつ毛

◾︎ i型のごつめピアス シルバーのチョーカー

◾︎ 蝶々


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[ / Monkie Kid AU ]

Saw @/tt0y0n913_art 's screencap redraw of MK and LSWK and my mind's third eye opened again 👁️👁️✨

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Thank you guys so much for offering up some lovely pngs for me to practice with. I now have material to use for a WHILE.

Did some quick peepers this morning

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