Next in my keychain design line, is the 13th Doctor! is still one of my fav shows~

Website for commissions will be available soon at

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So I'm 5 for 5 of the in snow 🤣

Not sure why this is happening. Maybe I just missed having a christmasy episode 😁

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Recreating fan art by honoring the casting of Jodie Whittaker and the support of it by .

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【#OOPARTZ】1st AL『13DOCTORS』本日発売!ダンサーとしてもワールドクラスの実績をもつRYUICHI、トークボックスプレイヤーとしてトップレベルの実力・RADIO FISH「PERFECT HUMAN」作編曲で注目のJUVENILEからなる新感覚アーティスト!

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