“That very night in Max’s room a forest grew
and grew – and grew and grew until his ceiling hung with vines and the walls became the world all around and an ocean tumbled by with a private boat for Max
and he sailed off through night and day" - Sendak

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"the house was drafty, dark and gray, and more than seven years had passed since anyone had lived there last... the hollyhocks wilted, unwatered unkept, the gatepost stayed crooked, the walk stayed unswept" - Blos

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Success with a Picture Book Is about More Than Writing It - Success Is Also about Getting Your Book Published & Marketing It - Do You Have A Plan?

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A Little Prize for People Who Finish the 14 Day Picture Book Challenge - I'll snail mail you a 5 x 7 framable print of my painting of Janis Joplin-a person who challenged herself to be better.

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