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Many of Jan Fyt's paintings contain a large number of dead animals. Let's continue to keep it light here with "Vase of Flowers and Two Bunches of Asparagus" (1650). 💐🎨

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舜天編 https://t.co/TuG7YHFAR2

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【2/12 ファイルX 5 新刊 夢アンソロ本 サンプル】
東京ビッグサイト 東6 フ53a

A5 / カラー口絵あり112ページ / ¥1500(通販では¥1650)



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de Hooch was born in Rotterdam, son 2 a bricklayer & midwife. He was believed to have studied under Nicolaes Berchem. From 1650 he was under the patronage of a merchant & travelled to The Hague, Leiden & Delft. Soldier (c1650) & Woman with Basket (1651) & Man Offering Wine (1653)

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"And cried, homesick for his fair native lake:
"Rain, when will you fall? Thunder, when will you roll?"
I see that hapless bird, that strange and fatal myth"

🎨 Jan Asselijn (c 1650)

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The artist’s final years were politically & financially troubled. He died in 1652, aged 61. St John the Baptist (1650), Hecate (c1610-20) & Adoration of the Shepherds (1650) & St Sebastian (1651)

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"Northern theatricality"??

Yes, indeed! Jacob Jordaens' preparatory watercolor (c. 1650) for the "Deposition" painting at the Hamburg Kunsthalle is perhaps a textbook example.


This work goes up for sale on Nov 24 at

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Guy François (1578 – 1650) was a French painter




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"Duelo a termometrazos" por Antón +
y 'La expulsión del paraíso' (c.1640–1650) de Daniel Vertangen por

➕#humor & /

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«The Child of the Thorn» (1630/1650) by Francisco De Zurbarán
🏛️ Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla

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Bartolomé Esteban Murillo’s “The Adoration of the Shepherds” (c.1650)

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Jacob Jordaens "Christ Driving the Merchants from the Temple" (1650)

Video: https://t.co/8WxFqi8lbA

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The Kurdish greyhound, 1880

Because the greyhound was a good stalker, the Kurds highly valued this creature. Greyhounds are very good hunting dogs.

"The Kurds consider the greyhound to be holy. The greyhound is a good follower with both smell and eyes."

J.B. Tavernier (1650)

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오늘의 지름
: 렌고쿠 아크릴 플레이트(정가 1650)

: 근처 롯데시네마 없어서 포토카드 못 받음 > 같은 일러스트 굿즈 사기러 함> 아크릴플레이트가 제일 이쁨
가장 큰 사유) 렌고쿠 煉獄

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Shakyamuni Buddha under the Bodhi Tree (1600-1650). https://t.co/IxDz9tzWyh

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Many of Jan Fyt's paintings contain a large number of dead animals. Let's continue to keep it light here with "Vase of Flowers and Two Bunches of Asparagus" (1650). 💐🎨

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Jan Asselijn - De bedreigde zwaan, The Threatened Swan (c. 1650) [5728 x 4830]

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🍌woop woop revealed!🍌

Here are mine 2 👇 (Rarity and

See you in the Metaverse fellow apes!🦧

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1660年9月22日 ピータ―・デ・リングがライデンで逝去。

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