Bathsua [Reginald] Makin, 1600-c. 1675, scholar, linguist & promoter of education for women.

Advocate of the methods of Comenius & correspondent with Anna Maria van Schurman.

"the greatest scholler, I think, of a woman in England" - Simonds D'Ewes, 1622.

(British Museum)

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16 Ottobre 1675, memoria di Santa Margherita M. Alacoque! Terza apparizione di Gesu' a S. Margherita: Gesu' scoprendo il Suo Adorabile Cuore le disse Ecco quel Cuore che tanto ha amato gli uomini. In cambio non riceve che ingratitudini,disprezzo e sacrilegi! Signore perdonaci!

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Domenico Gargiulo called Micco Spadaro, 1609 - 1675, Italian painter of the Baroque period and Viviano Codazzi - Triumphal Entry of Vespasian in Rome

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Domenico Gargiulo called Micco Spadaro, 1609 - 1675, Italian painter of the Baroque period and Viviano Codazzi - The Men's Bath

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Two Indian ladies under a tree
Golconda, circa 1675, watercolor Painting
amalgamation of cultures-traditions also happened in Deccan,
fashion, Veena
wearing lehnga, ghaghra, what's that mughal dress?

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Gerrit Dou, 1613 – 1675, Dutch painter, The Quack Doctor

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Bathsua [Reginald] Makin, 1600-c. 1675, scholar, linguist & promoter of education for women.

Advocate of the methods of Comenius & correspondent with Anna Maria van Schurman.

"the greatest scholler, I think, of a woman in England" - Simonds D'Ewes, 1622.

(British Museum)

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On this day in 1675, a Sikh defender of demonstrated what is now enshrined in ‘Article 18 UNDHR
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom...... ‘

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Winter is coming. And the eels are getting ready.

Antoine Le Grand, in 1675, wrote that eels have a natural magic sympathy with the North Wind.

I'm not actually sure what that means, but I'm guessing we're about to see Eel Wizards.

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If you stood here on the hill in Greenwich Park at 3.14pm on 10 August 1675, you would have seen Astronomer Royal John Flamsteed lay the foundation stone of Britain’s first state-funded scientific research institution.

Happy birthday, Royal Observatory:

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Just a couple more by scenes by before the day ends:

1675, Oratory of St. John, Poggio Mirteto
1663, private collection

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11 August 1675, birth of Anne-Marie-Victoire de Bourbon. She was the seventh child Henri-Jules de Bourbon, Prince de Condé, and Anne de Bavière. Mademoiselle de Condé never married and died of a lung disease at the age of 25.

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