創作2コマ漫画 その1746

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As we’ve been seeing the ignorance of political art in the Irish media, I think I’ll share an account of Francisco Goya (1746-1828) - one of the greatest artists in history, a Romantic & a master of the portrait. He also created some of the most powerful political artworks

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Francisco de Goya (30 March 1746 – 16 April 1828)was a Spanish pain ter-Marchioness untitled

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[작가] 오늘은 에스파냐의 화가 『프란시스코 데 고야(Francisco de Goya)』가 태어난 날입니다.
1746.03.30 - 1828.04.16
● Artist CV: https://t.co/T51dfZ2Btd

니힐리즘에 깊이 뿌리박혀있고 악마적 분위기에 싸인 것처럼 보이며 전환 동기는 중병을 앓은 체험과 나폴레옹군의 에스파냐 침입...

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1746 Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes nasce a Fuendetodos, nei pressi di Saragozza. Lavora molto al servizio dei reali come ritrattista; Carlo IV lo nominò “pittore di camera” del re. I suoi primi lavori sono i cartoni per arazzi.

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"Dresden brought me great joy and revived my desire to think about art. It is an incredible treasure of all kinds in this beautiful place." (Goethe)

View of Dresden with Augustus Bridge (1746)

Johann Alexander Thiele 🎨 (#BornOnThisDay in 1685)

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Birthday in the park: Gerard van Spaendonck, 1746-1822, Dutch painter who contributed over fifty works to Les Vélins du Roi, a famous collection of botanical watercolors possessed by French royalty.......https://t.co/Ys37eqbyfJ

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DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.38 ETH by 0xe27167 from Save_money_check_bio https://t.co/7nAVSu0uJa

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DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.41 ETH by Save_money_check_bio from CapitalismRules https://t.co/7nAVSu0uJa

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DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.36 ETH by CapitalismRules from paranew_Vault2 https://t.co/7nAVSu0uJa

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Nicolas de Largillière (October 10, 1656 – March 20, 1746) was a French painter-Nicolas de Largillière, c.4-00DCBE7C

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What a gorgeous portrait! Countess Sophie Marie von Voß (1729-1814), by Antoine Pesne, c.1746. She was a long-term courtier at the Prussian royal court.

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porta il pittore Paolo Anesi per “fotografare” un importante episodio di cronaca: la visita ad Anzio nel 1746 di papa Benedetto XIV. I due dipinti vanno letti come una grande foto panoramica in quanto uno è la continuazione dell'altro

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이로서 조선시대 과거 시험 급제자 중 문과의 소과 초시, 복시 합격자의 방방의 때 복식(1746년 이후 제도) 차림새와 대과 전시 합격자의 방방의 때 복식 차림을 그림으로 제시하였습니다. 해당 자료가 여러분들이 과거 급제자의 복식을 구분 재현함에 있어 기초 사료로 활용될 수 있기를 기원합니다.

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