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When I started art 6 years ago, I came across the 10,000h rule and thought:
"Wouldn't it be cool if someone actually kept track and tried it out?"
So I started recording all of the time I spent drawing.
I'm 1770 hours late, but here are the results: https://t.co/CP6amsodxt
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo ( March 5, 1696 – March 27, 1770) was an Italian painter-Alexander the Great and Campaspe in the Studio of Apelles ca 1740
Alexandre Pétion (2 Apr 1770 – 29 Mar 1818) first president of Republic of #Haiti, born 253 years ago today. A founding father of Haiti; one of revolutionary quartet with Toussaint Louverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, and his later rival Henri Christophe.
DEGEN ALERT! DETONATED TOONZ #1770 bought for 0.27 ETH by Toberr from aluxinder #TOONZ #toonztothemoon https://t.co/6hCw1gRBlI
🐍 Il consueto appuntamento della domenica con il quiz di #museitaliani ricorda domani, 27 marzo, l'anniversario della morte di Giambattista Tiepolo (1696 - 1770), considerato il principale esponente della pittura veneziana del '700.
Il #quiz 👉 https://t.co/sI1T0TGUON
3月26日 作曲家 #ベートーヴェン 逝去(1770-1827)
難聴という絶望的状況で彼を支えたのは友人のアメンダ牧師でした。その後多くの傑作を生み、中でも #交響曲第9番合唱付 や #ミサソレムニス(#荘厳ミサ曲)には、当時の宗教的な枠にとらわれない彼の信仰が表されています。
A young girl reading by Jean-Honore Fragonard, c. 1770
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., United States
"Marte e Venere, Allegoria della Pace" è un'opera del pittore rococò francese Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée creata nel 1770.
“Marte y Venus, alegoría de la Paz” es una obra del pintor Rococó francés Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée creada en 1770.
I like to tweet this occasionally. It's my favourite painting. It's by John Hamilton Mortimer, dates to the 1770s, & shows a group of pals at an oyster party. And it demonstrates that #caricature could capture character, likeness, & humanity like nothing else, even 250 years ago.
Francois Boucher (29 September 1703 – 30 May 1770) was a French painter
Καλησπέρα.Giovanni Battista Tiepolo ( March 5, 1696 – March 27, 1770) was an Italian painter2
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (March 5, 1696 – March 27, 1770) Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1757- Achilles is ochilles
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (March 5, 1696 – March 27, 1770) was an talian painter-the-crucifixion.
I love this cbs ghosts character!! (she isn't real) (I made her up) (she is literally me but a ghost from the 1770s)
SOFIA DOODLE U GUYS she's so real to me I love my cbs ghosts oc sososo much she is literally me but dead but shhhhhhh look at her💗🫶
#cbsghosts #ghostscbs