
©2016 cover corp.

45 206

¿Qué ironía no? Mujeres "normales" quejándose de que las sexualizan, pero por donde te metas ves mujeres casi o totalmente encueradas por redes, quien las entiende (?

(OJO, esto no aplica a las que hacen contenido +18.)

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Pin for


—Rinnah Ghulam | Rinnah
Doc : https://t.co/frr1UTs1e1

3rd year (18.) | 🌪🔥
height 173 — weight 58

Role, Co-op, Chit-chat, Flirt > DM 24/7

(เนียนรู้จัก OK!) > owner 💓


33 50

It's me! Woman!

I'm a freelancer who specializes in toons and aquatics and all things cute! (Please note, my space is SFW but +18.)

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❤️ Top 25 Best Girls of 2022 ❤️

18.) Kisara (Engage Kiss)

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18.) Apart from robots, Joey's only other major fear is deers, because of [REDACTED]

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18.) least favorite Pokémon?
As much as I joke about Charizard being lame, it’s actually Musharna I like the least.

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『パンドラMAXシリーズVOL.1 ドラゴンナイツグロリアス』PS版 発売日(1999.11.18.)

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Such a big loss for the comic book industry. Spanish artist Carlos Pacheco passed away after announcing his ELA diagnosis last September. His art is immortal tho. (Carlos has beautifully drawn ’The Life Of Captain Marvel’ series by Margaret Stohl in 2018.)

22 102

Are you caught up on That Texas Blood by and ? Issue 19 just hit shelves. Another question: Lu is your hero, right? (Panel below is from

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. 『18までに卒業できる保証もない』
(There's no guarantee I'll graduate by 18.)

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This is how you do it.

9 58

18.) They're much taller and physically stronger than me, but got EXTREMELY shy talking to me, and begged me to keep the change. They proceeded to run out of the store.

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My art at 15 (2009) vs my art at 24 (2018.) Seriously. Do not give up. I promise, it's all in practice!! You'll get there! Some folks don't start doing art until they're in their fifties. There's no such thing as art 'not [being] for someone' https://t.co/VLhckt3i6q

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18.) Mail (Willy Wombat) - She is my daughter and I will protect her at any cost.

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