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創作2コマ漫画 1828

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てーとくは魔除けできないよ?( ˘ω˘ )


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As we’ve been seeing the ignorance of political art in the Irish media, I think I’ll share an account of Francisco Goya (1746-1828) - one of the greatest artists in history, a Romantic & a master of the portrait. He also created some of the most powerful political artworks

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Francisco de Goya (30 March 1746 – 16 April 1828)was a Spanish pain ter-Marchioness untitled

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🎨Albert Bredow, 1828-1899.
Figures in a winter landscape

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Day 1111 “Rainstorm over the Sea” (1828) John Constable. Constable died on this day in 1837. This dramatic study of sea and sky was painted in Brighton. The black clouds and downpour were painted rapidly to capture the fleeting nature of the scene.

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[작가] 오늘은 에스파냐의 화가 『프란시스코 데 고야(Francisco de Goya)』가 태어난 날입니다.
1746.03.30 - 1828.04.16
● Artist CV:

니힐리즘에 깊이 뿌리박혀있고 악마적 분위기에 싸인 것처럼 보이며 전환 동기는 중병을 앓은 체험과 나폴레옹군의 에스파냐 침입...

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1828年3月29日 エドヴァルド・ベリがストックホルムに生誕。

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The Crimson Lane of Lundonstoch was built in memory of those who fell in the 1828 a.E. Rifle Strike and reconstructs the exact revolutionary path which led to liberation from capitalism.

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Fall of the Rebel Angels by Samuel Forde (1828).

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-Retorno Inesperado', 1884, 1965.

Retrato do autor Leo N. Tolstoy 1828-1910, 1900
Ilya Efimovich Repin

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