クッソ今更なんだけど、奇兵隊の胸元にあるこれって「TH 1863」かな

THは「Takasugi Heavy industry」だろうか 画質悪いから見えないだけでHの後にIあるかも

2 14

orv! cw // spoiler , slight joongdok (?)
throwback to the great war of saint and demon arc, when yjh found out he's a character from a novel and tried to kill kdj because he feels betrayed that kdj chose to save yjh from the 1863th regression turn </3

14 136

kiss me?
1863: .......🐺

876 7350

potential orspoiler
cw // ship LHS/JHW

apakah berarti hyunsung jomblo di 1863 regresi karena heewon gak ada di 1863 regresi itu ya...

8 220

創作2コマ漫画 その1863

316 1585



5 18

🌌 cw // spoiler

LHS tuh emang tipe ke orang yang dia anggap leader itu loyal banget entah itu KDJ, YJH atau HSY. Di 1863 arc added scene, dia sampai iri ke KDJ karena HSY lebih terbuka ke KDJ ketimbang dia 😭

7 135

cw // spoiler , webnovel⚠️⚠️

🌌 Sender baru selesai baca arc author's words, itu hsy sama dokkaebi king 1863 buat novel buat kdj,mereka pernah ketemu sebelumnya? apa ketemunya waktu kdj dilempar ke putaran 1863 sama plotter?
please kasih sender pencerahan😭😭😭

9 175



ためになるなる( ˘ω˘ )


158 427


84 824

"The Questioner of the Sphinx" (1863) by American artist, Elihu Vedder (1836-1923). Oil on canvas; 92.07 cm x 107.31 cm. MFA Boston.

26 130


61 617

ウジェーヌ・ドラクロワ『バッカスとアリアドネ』1856-1863年 サンパウロ美術館

20 197

Edvard Munch ( 1863-1944)
"New Snow",

3 6

"There will be no place in the society of the future for anything which is not of use to everyone."

Poster 'Tropon, the most concentrated food supplement' (1898)

Henry van de Velde ✍️🎨🇧🇪 (#BornOnThisDay in 1863)

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