First recorded performance of 1 March 1662, Lincoln's Inn Fields by the Duke's Company. Had certainly been performed by 1597 when the first quarto was published, but there are no surviving records before 1660.

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Nadiah 1stMarch2022
Nadiah wearing her hoodie.
Comment down below if you can help me improving my colouring styles.

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Welcome to month of March. To mark its arrival, pictured some hares we have sold; sketched, modelled, painted on porcelain, inlaid and in silver-gilt, some more ‘mad’ than others. Starting with ‘The Buck Hare’ by Graham Sutherland (1903-1980) dated '8.8.79'

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intheDigitalAge at Marylebone Crypt NW1 5LW til 31stMarch

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