2 pieces for one day today to make up for the missed day.

day 188

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Views of Space from differing places.

days 180 and 181

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Simple space is best space. and a comet seen from a telescope

Days 178 and 179

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Planet. Many planets

Days 174 and 175

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super late so we go super simplistic for these 2

days 172 and 173

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Spaaaace.... that it

days 170 and 171

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More planets. thats it. just planets

days 168 and 169

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went a bit bigger this time. and we have reached the halfway point of the so happy to make it this far despite some issues

days 166 and 167

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no thoughts. just space

Days 164 and 165

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ever expanding can also mean evermore dangerous

Days 162 and 163

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We now are going deeper into the universe

Days 160 and 161

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the funniest part is making the things to fill the empty void behind the focal point with these.

days 158 and 159

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man its fun to make these space scenes.... thats it.

day 156 and 157

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oh the difference there is justt crossing a nebula belt.

days 154 and 155

Support me with a kofi

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we get a glimpse into one of the realms of the underworld and then we find an anomoly in space of 2 planets brought together by a shared atmosphere.

Days 148 and 149

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i guess both are artistic interpretations of nature. but ine is based on a pic of a beach and the other is just triangles.

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We have the mess hall of a space station and a simplistic house in a city for days 144 and 145 of

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from the sea ti soace we have days 142 and 143 of the

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found a mysterious shaft up in the mountains for day 140 by reading the map from day 141.


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