
大塚明夫、『攻殻機動隊』草薙素子役・田中敦子さんへの思いを明かす 続編制作に押井守監督が意欲「やり残したことがある」 映画『イノセンス』公開20... https://t.co/0iBVFZkhSR より

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2분 크로키 x 20... 한 개도 다 시간 내 끝낸게 없네유! ㄹㅇ 내가 그림 허접이라는걸 알게 되었다

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水夜ちはる 土曜 東オ-20...さんのコミッション「艦これの川内をお願いします。



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First Job New Life 1-2 (Yoko Nemu)

Le premier job de Tama, graphiste sortant de la fac, un peu coincée et mal à l'aise en entretien dans une boîte de design spécialisée dans le pachinko !

Je lis enfin ce titre sorti en 2020... Et c'est trop chouette !!! C'est frais et dynamique

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(if ure still looking i do emotes like thsi for $20... )

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It is still a work in progress... and every 4... to 5 years... it starts morphing again... or the change is more prominent... and yet, despite all the changes people tell me they can recognize my work.

2006... 2012... 2020...

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unironically this art from... 2020.... that was my best art year lol https://t.co/Q6QlTn2xwk

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Pardon?...........there will be at least one zero on this one
unsure about the first set of numbers preceeding those however......10....20.......100?

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Estuve viendo mis Dibujos del año 2020...y pues...

Caramba,si que mejore bastante hasta el dia de hoy.

(La viva prueba de que si mejore mucho actualmente,podre mejorar en el futuro 😃)

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Some available editions from my 'Cloud study' series, started 2020...


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my newest artwork of her actually a remake pose of my artwork from 2020.....

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Tanukis! Doodle from weeks ago

I suddenly feel the need to draw a loafing tanuki now, also is Teddy growing with me?? He looks much younger back in 2020... 😭🥺

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