Up now in is the Hairy Nosed Wombat and the Screaming Hairy Armadillo

12 17

The Brown-throated Sloth and Banded Linsang are up now in

25 28

Spotted skunk skins in our research collection. Notice variation in size & coloration. How will tonight's competitor stack up?

13 28

A Spotted Skunk can spray up to 15 feet away. Watch out Long-Tailed Pangolin!

3 3

how can you not adore him????

2 3

First match within the Adjective Mammals division is the Spectacled Bear vs Sac-winged Bat!

10 22

. Also, murderous Meerkats? has ONE job in stop the meerkat massacres!

7 16

Day 3 of tweet storm. Have an artistic rendering of a dire wolf to begin your morning!

21 43