continued. . .At the worst possible moment our nation lost a true champion of women's rights.

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continued. . .After and other members of his administration contracted COVID, the White House started taking sensible measures.

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continued. . .As summer proceeded to fall, COVID infections and deaths proceeded to rise and rise and rise. No part of the country was spared. Politically, people started discussing 's legacy.

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continued. . .Meanwhile, western America burned and the heavens blazed

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continued. . .News that Russia had placed bounties on US troops in Afghanistan was met with an awkward silence by pro-Armed Forces US politicians.

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continued. . .A heavily militarized law enforcement community took offense at calls to cut their budgets.

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continued. . .With the police shooting of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky in March and George Floyd's murder by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota in May a worldwide social justice movement was sparked. Police found protection behind a time-honored shield.

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continued. . . As devastated NYC and spread through its suburbs, the administration, in a defensive crouch, further curtailed immigration. Scientists discovered the disease in house pets.

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