Pigeons! Elena Boer presents her work on these fascinating animals in Concurrent 12

Learn more here:

& read the award-winning paper here:

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Next is Dr. Natalia Pabón Mora on fruit development. The beauty of life and scientific insights in this Plenary Session 2 is off the charts thus far!

Learn more here:

& here

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And we are off!!! Wallace Marshall ambassador to the ciliates, shares his and his lab's work in this morning's Plenary Session 2

Learn more here:

& here:

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Natalia Pabón-Mora of 🇨🇴 is up next, to tell us about evolutionary shifts in the GRN controlling fruit development across eudicots.

Fun fact: Natalia was PASEDB's first Early Career Award Winner!

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Happy Friday! I'll start off before Plenary sessions start by saying I got my new profile picture from and I LOVE IT. Employ an artist, donate to charity, & get something lovely in return.

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Speaker Previews

Join us July 9-16, 2020 ONLINE! (So easy!)
Our Presidential Symposium will feature:

Manu Prakash from

His lab-> https://t.co/7wgCmNbOhD
Hear him talk about decoding an ancient extraordinary animal->

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