how is Draper gonna say 20TEN is no good • that record is a BANGER • 2 the world it may look like Prince “gave away” the album as a cover mount but in REALITY P GAMED THE SYSTEM • at a time when streaming was killing album sales HE got PAID UP FRONT

1 18

当時イギリスのDaily Mirror他3誌に付録として販売され話題に。(22日には更に2誌)

これもお蔵入りになった「20ten DELUXE」で復活して欲しいなぁ

Prince / Compassion / 20ten

5 44

Comission done for y Pal! cx named 20tenebris29 on TUMBLR!

i did his oc in a human form with pretty long hair!

0 10

While I'm here, have a from 20Tengu! 👺

20 147

Purple History - 07/10/10 Prince releases 20Ten. This was one of his most unique release strategies, with it showing up in papers in the UK, Ireland and Belgium. Did anyone get the record that way? Tell us your story! Also! Tune from 12-1 CDT for album highlights on our stream.

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