Fact 42: During the first game's pre-release period, a user named Feep made a NeoGAF post, the 217th one in the thread, covering his experience with the game. After the story went viral, 5th Cell added the words Feep and Post Two-One-Seven to the in-game dictionary

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becomes the 217th podcast added to https://t.co/K7nOXd6kq7! You will find the show in the A-M section of the directory!

Welcome to the family!!! 🥳🥳🥳

Listen to them HERE:


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217th good morning tweet?

REVERSE! You tell ME good morning now!

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It was a fun little thing I played and it was great fun! Started with a phione named Phunny, and traveled around and saw the chaos! Adventure and danger, as we didn't know what to expect. Whether it be a formidable foe, or the 217th Regice that instantly used Self Destruct

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Me after getting told "Kobe youre alive!" for the 76459963217th time at school:

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Metal Gear Solid 2 artwork appreciation post 👏

Just looking at these makes me want to load up the game again for 217th time.

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