225-227) Vampire-sama ga Akiramenai para este manga de pseudo-vampiros tengo vibes de Crepúsculo. Es una lectura normalita pero muy disfrutable! Aprecio mucho el dibujo tan personal de la autora, ojalá leer algún capítulo del manga infantil sobre la novia del vampiro...

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post the cover of your first sonic comic

I didn't really get into the Archie series. Only picked up this one because I liked the cover and because of the 20th anniversary stuff. https://t.co/fkQSHGTHHW

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14. X-Men: Fall of the Mutants (Uncanny 225-227) Some kind of big demon breaks time, Storm and Forge spend a year in a wilderness dimension looking hot, Freedom Force is there, the X-Men become LEGENDS and get set to Australia by a multiversal goddess. Total, beautiful nonsense.

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