Appreciation Week Day 1 + Day 2: a festive combined prompt (Book 1 + Joyfull Bells) 🔔❄🎄

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Se me olvidó que ayer era día 2 🤦‍♀️Alpaca 🦙

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Here we are, the last day of the challenge. You guys, you've been amazing!!! I thought just some of you would have followed along with me, insted our hashtag got more than 2200 posts. Thank you so much for your time and dedication, I loved bein…

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Day 23: alpaca! This is my third favourite animal after cats and sloths 😊 Tomorrow will be the last day for this challenge, are you ready for Christmas? I packed already, I'll be flying to my hometown later today! 🎄🤩

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Day 22: sleigh! Two days to go, we almost made it guys! 😊✌️

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Day 21, today the challenge doesn't have an illustration but a piece of typography. I hope you like it as well! 😊

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Who wants some cinnamon tea? The challenge is almost over, I can not believe it! 😭😭😅

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Day 19: Christmas decorations! What's the most weird festive decoration that you have? Tell me in the comments! 😁

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Day 18 of the challenge! Christmas jumper! Do you have one of these? I would love to buy one this year 😁

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We are already at day 17!! Today's subject is a penguin 😊🐧

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day 14! Today's prompt is a rocking horse! 🐎 So looking forward to get one of these for my little boy for Christmas! 😊

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Day 12: Gifts! How is your hunting for the last gift going for you? I'm almost done, I think I miss just one or two! ✌️ If you can try to buy from independent artists, websites like Etsy or Society6 are full of ideas! You will then support thei…

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Day 10! Today's prompt is an elf! Is he cute enough? 😊🎁

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Day 8: Gingerbread house! I never backed one of these for real but it was fun to draw!

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