25 Days of Chubmas Day 24: The (Mid)night (Snack) Before Christmas

Sometimes one needs a late night snack before Santa comes by.

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 22: Ghost of Christmas (Re)Pasts

Al be reading a Christmas classic by the fire because he isn't sure what else to do.

(I literally couldn't figure out what to do here. orz)

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 20: Wrapped Up Tight

Al didn't expect to be wrapped up for the day. Possibly for whoever won him in that Christmas auction.

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 19: Round the Tree

Being around a round tree to decorate it.

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 18: How I Ate on My Christmas Vacation

"I know a burger isn't the first think you would think of eating during Christmas vacation, but it's one of the more portable foods I could bring to view the city's Christmas Tree up close!"

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 17: Apple of my Pie

Enjoying a giant apple pie for the day. May enjoy other kinds of pies later.

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 16: Candy is Dandy

You know what they say- Two lollipops of different shapes are better than one!

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 15: Beached for the Holidays

Sometimes you gotta escape the cold weather to somewhere warm.

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 14: Hibernation Preparation

Al isn't sure how to hibernate. Luckily there's a book to help with that.

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 12: Mulled Wining and Dining

A warm drink to have with dessert is always nice.

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 11: Tinsel Strength

That is some strong tinsel, but will it hold once he starts swinging?

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 10: Buttons are just Ornamental

Oops. Gonna need to fix that shirt real quick.

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 08: On the (Christmas) Market.

Al doesn't really appreciate being part of a Christmas market auction.

(Fun fact: I totally forgot how auctions work in the way where you can just buy the thing and had to wing it here LMAO.)

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 07: Stuffed like a Turkey

Al doesn't mind being stuffed like a turkey. In fact, he'd prefer to be stuffed more than a turkey.

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 05: Cookies for Santa

Al is just making sure the cookies are good enough for Santa. Nothing suspicious here.

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 04: Hot Cocoa with Marshmallows.

A hot drink for those cold winter nights to tide you over until Santa comes.

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25 Days of Chubmas day 03: Plums and Pears

Did y'all know you can actually get a box of pears for Christmas and it's pretty expensive?

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25 Days of Chubmas Day 02: Two Sizes Too Small.

More like 200 times too small in this case.

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Looks like Al has decided to join in the festivities with another prompt! The 25 Days of Chubmas! Come join Al as he goes through most of the month of December!

Link to the prompt: https://t.co/mrGevoMQRV

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